Participation of various social groups in agricultural development in Sonitpur district, Assam Dr. Bora Moon Moon Assistant Professor, Mariani College, Mariani, Jorhat, Assam, India Online published on 9 August, 2013. Abstract Agricultural development is outcome of number of physical, social, economic and technological factors. The development of agricultural sector plays a vital role in the rural development process. Like other parts of Assam the economy of Sonitpur district is also based on agriculture and related activities. The district is inhabited by a number of social groups viz., indigenous general caste population, Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes, Muslims of immigrant origin & Nepalese. The attitude of different social groups towards agricultural development is different in the district. Among various groups the Muslims of immigrant origin and Indigenous general caste Assamese are the two most agriculturally developed groups. Their response towards agricultural development is found satisfactory as compared to other communities. The work is mainly based on primary field data collected thorough a survey of 28 sample villages of seven revenue circles of the district. Here, an attempt is made to analyse the participation of various social groups of Sonitpur district in agricultural development and suggest remedial measures for removing the developmental disparities among them. Top | |
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