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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 8
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 13)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Relationships between macroeconomic variables and BSE sensex: A causal study for India of the past two decades

Dey Biplab Kumar

Student, ICFAI University, Tripura, India

Online published on 9 August, 2013.


This paper investigates the relationship between foreign exchange rates, foreign exchange reserve and BSE-Sensex return from March 1992 to June 2012 (monthly data) with reference to India. Several econometric tests are applied; these are correlation analysis, regression analysis, unit root test, Johansen co-integration test and granger causality. The Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation conferred high correlation (96.3%) between foreign exchange rates and stock return. Regression analysis found that there is a significant impact of returns of exchange rate, foreign exchange reserves on the returns of BSE-Sensex return. It has been observed that all variables are not stationary in ADF Test and have unit root. Johansen co-integration test proves that, variables are not co-integrated and hence, have not long term relationship. The granger causality test concludes that, foreign exchange rate causes the BSE-Sensex return and no causation between foreign exchange reserve and BSE-Sensex return.



BSE-Sensex, Exchange Rate, foreign exchange reserve, Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, Unit Root Test, Johansen Co-integration Test, Granger Causality Test.


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