Custom House Agents in the Logistic Operations-An Exploratory Study Dr. Kirubakaran J. Paul Sundar Faculty in Business Studies, IBRA College of Technology, IBRA, Sultanate of Oman. Online published on 11 May, 2012. Abstract The flow of goods from the manufacturers to the end users goes through various stages with the help of effective logistic operations. In order to identify the existing operations of Logistic through various modes of transportation, an empirical study was conducted in the study area i.e., Tamil Nadu. Simple Random Sampling method was employed to select the respondents in the various parts of Tamil Nadu. Field survey technique was employed to collect the first-hand information from the selected sample respondents with the help of a well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire covers information of various kinds related to the logistics operations. The details of analysis and interpretation s are given in this article. Top | |
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