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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 5
First page : ( 34) Last page : ( 45)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Developing Approaches to Quality Assurance in Changing Word of Higher Education

Chauhan Sangeeta, Assistant Professor

Department of Education, S.S.V.V., Varanasi-221002.

Online published on 11 May, 2012.


We continuously speak about change. And there is no doubt that the world is changing. After living for 500 years in the shadow of Columbus and his discovery that the world was round, we have been told that it is now flat. Changes of that magnitude evidently imply changes in higher education, and these should also mean that quality assurance processes and procedures should also change. Present time it is very essential to discuss about some aspects like-How can QA keep its relevance, and how it can effectively make a difference in the quality of higher education institutions, their operation, their programs and in general, in the capacity of higher education to answer to the current and future needs of society, at the local, national and regional levels. Some of the main social forces that have made the world a flatter place also have an influence on higher education. The most significant ones are the growing need for highly skilled and educated workers and the widespread view of the link between educated manpower and economic development (Gibbons, 1998); the expansion of secondary education systems; increasing links to the international system, with mobility and outsourcing becoming important factors in the perceived attractiveness of higher education (Friedman, 2008) and “global institutional changes linked to the rise of a new model of society: increasing democratization and human rights and the advent of development planning (Schofer and Meyer, 2005).


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