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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 4
First page : ( 61) Last page : ( 67)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Indian management style: Elevation of luxury to unrivalled dimensions

Mr. Srikanthverma Ch., Assistant Professor

Department of Business Management, Post Graduate Centre, Lal Bahadur College, S.P. Road, Warangal – 506007, A.P.  India.

Online published on 10 April, 2012.


This case is about Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberoi (M.S. Oberoi), the founder of the Oberoi chain of hotels who is considered to be the father of the Hospitality Industry in India. The Oberoi group now employs close to 12,000 people worldwide and owns and manages 37 luxury and first class international hotels in seven countries and 13 Oberoi hotels are members of the ‘Leading Hotels of the World’. The name Oberoi has come a long way in becoming a leading international brand in the highly demanding hospitality business. Not a bad life for one who lived a full 103 years to see how his dreams bore fruition. This case presents the rags-to-riches story of Oberoi, the entrepreneur. Oberoi was born in the late 19th century in a small village (now in Pakistan). From humble beginnings, Oberoi went on to build a hotel empire spread across many countries. The case discusses the rise of Oberoi and how vision, business acumen, leadership and management style played a role in his success.


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