Functional competencies a source of comparative advantage Dr Agarwal M.C.1, Banerjee Jyotirmoy2, Researcher 1Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Research, Mumbai. 2Doctoral Program in Management, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Research, Mumbai. Online published on 10 January, 2012. Abstract Any industry plays a key important role in labour Market because of labour advantage, creating jobs, contributing to social and political stability, and earning high value exports. As it becomes more and more vibrant in its search of global economic integration, the entry of many multinational giants into its own domestic market will surely intensify the competition. Recognizing the importance of functional competencies to the firm's performance will help the companies improve its competitiveness. In addition, many researchers had focus on the importance of an integrative perspective research. Therefore, this Paper integrates functions to investigate relationship between functional competencies and firm performance. Top | |
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