Comparitive study on wireless and wireline services in reliance communications Ltd, Chennai city Dr Saravanan S., Professor & Head Department of Management Studies, Mnm Jain Engineering College, Thorapakkam, Chennai-97. Online published on 10 January, 2012. Abstract Telecommunications is one of the sectors that encountered a boom after the early 90’s. There has been lot of improvements in this sector in terms of the tariffs and the technology we are currently. But this sector has seen unprecedented rise in the number of players operating in the market, bringing in the best of tariffs, services and as well as bringing down the profits of the companies. My project aims to do a comparative study on the Wire line and wireless products in RCOM Chennai City. This project is done with a sample size of around 50 companies from different profiles like infrastructure, financial services, banking, IT & ITES etc. A basic understanding of these companies are done by finding out details like number of branches they have in the city, the number of telecom services they use and the overall expenses they incur for these services in a year The methodology included meeting the companies, conducting interviews with the personnel with the help of a structured questionnaire. Sample size is 50 and the sampling technique is judgement sampling. Inferences from the research said that Airtel was rated best among the specified competitors. Airtel USP was their customer service, Reliance's USP was pricing and technical support, TATA had its core competitiveness in pricing. Suggestions were to improve the roll out of network by Airtel and TATA to reduce network congestion and improve their network service. BSNL need to be more a customer oriented company. Reliance has to improve upon its quickness in solving a query with improve in customer care and Airtel has to reduce its pricing based on the consuming capabilities of the customer. Top | |
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