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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 13, Issue : 2
First page : ( 151) Last page : ( 156)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149. Online ISSN : 2349-2996.
Article DOI : 10.52711/2349-2996.2023.00033

Effectiveness of High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Vs Non- Invasive Ventilation on Respiratory Parameters among patients with Acute Respiratory Failure

Gnanarani Jaslina*, Kanchana G, Vijayalakshmi K, Satchi Nesa Sathya, Tamilarasi E

Apollo College of Nursing, Aynambakkam, Chennai, India

*Corresponding Author Email: jasbas12@gmail.com

Online Published on 30 September, 2023.



Nurses play a critical role in ensuring successful patient outcomes. Preventing cellular damage from hypoxia, preventing acidosis from hypercapnia, and relieving patients' symptoms and distress all require adequate oxygen levels. The goal of oxygen therapy is to supplement the inspired oxygen concentration in order to prevent tissue hypoxia and subsequent cellular dysfunction1. Cellular oxygen delivery is a mechanism that relies on inspired oxygen as well as haemoglobin concentration, its ability to saturate with oxygen, and cardiac output to deliver oxygen to cells (Higgins, 2007)2.


To assess the Effectiveness of High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Vs Non-Invasive Ventilation on Respiratory Parameters among Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure.


A descriptive research design pretest post-test only design was adopted for the study.


The majority of patients with acute respiratory failure treated with HFNC showed ABG parameters such as pH(7.35-7.45), SaO2(94-100%), pO2(80-100mmHg), pCO2(35-45mmHg), and HCO3(22-26mEq/L) on admission, after an hour, 8 hours and 24 hours of admission, were 62.85%, 68.57%, 68.6%, 74.28% and 14%, 57.14%, 51.4%, 47.71% and 62.85%, 68.57%, 38.6%, 74.28% and 77.14%, 74.28%, 80%, 57.14% and 80%, 80%, 82% respectively. The majority of patients with acute respiratory failure treated with BiPAP showed ABG parameters such as pH(<7.35), SaO2(94-100%), pO2(80-100mmHg), pCO2(35-45mmHg), and HCO3(22-26mEq/L) on admission, after an hour, 8 hours and 24 hours of admission, were 40%, 57.14%, 57.14%, 60% (Acidosis) and 68.5%, 62.85%, 57.14%, 60.7% and 74.28%, 62.85%, 57.14%, 51.42% and 60%, 57.14%, 51.42%, 60% and 77.14%, 77.14%, 74.28%, 85.71% respectively. Thus, the results showed that the respiratory parameter of the patients of HFNC was better with M=11.6, SD=1.35 when compared to the patients on BIPAP with M=13.51, SD =1.77 and an independent ‘t’ test was 5.232 at p<0.001. Hence, the null hypothesis stated that there was no difference in the respiratory parameters of patients on BIPAP and HFNC was rejected. This shows that HFNC was a better mode of ventilation.



High Flow Nasal Oxygen, Non-Invasive Ventilation, BiPAP.


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