A Study on Knowledge of Mothers regarding Behavioural Problems in children in selected hospital at Mangaluru Sr Xavier Simi Ance, Mary A Swapna, Devi Laishram Dabashini*, D’Souza Vanitha, Fernandes Priya Janifer Global College of Nursing, Bangalore *Corresponding Author Email: roshini999.bk@gmail.com
Online Published on 30 September, 2023. Abstract The study was conducted to assess the knowledge of mother’s regarding behavioural problems in children. A descriptive approach was adopted for this study. The study was conducted in Father Muller Medical college Hospital Mangaluru. The sample consists of 153 subjects selected by purposive sampling technique. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding behavioural problems in children. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The result showed that about 11.1% had good knowledge, 62.7% had average knowledge and 26.1% had poor knowledge among mothers regarding behavioural problems in children. There was a significant association between the knowledge of mothers regarding behavioural problem in children and selected baseline variable like occupation. Findings of the present study indicate that majority of the mothers had average knowledge score. Hence there is a need of health awareness program to improve mother’s knowledge on behavioural problems. Top Keywords Knowledge, Behavioural problems, Children, Mothers. Top | |
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