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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 13, Issue : 2
First page : ( 130) Last page : ( 134)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149. Online ISSN : 2349-2996.
Article DOI : 10.52711/2349-2996.2023.00028

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude regarding Breastfeeding and Weaning Practices among Post-natal Mothers in Channasandra Urban, Bangalore City

Maheshwari L, Mary A. Swapna, Devi Laishram Dabashini*

Global College of Nursing, RR Nagar, Bangalore

*Corresponding Author Email: roshini999.bk@gmail.com

Online Published on 30 September, 2023.


A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding breast feeding and weaning practices among post-natal mothers in channasandra urban, Bangalore city. The Research approach adopted for this study is evaluative Approach. The research design adopted for the study was quasi experimental, one group pre-test and post-test design was applied. The non-probability convenient cluster sampling was used to select the sample for the study. The sample consists of the 40 post-natal mothers who are in channasandra urban area in Bangalore city. Karnataka. The instrument used for the data collection was self-administered questionnaire. Analysis result showed that overall knowledge pre-test mean was 24.65, mean% 62.20% with SD 4.60518. And post-test knowledge mean was 30.175, and mean% 77.37% with SD 05.13853. An overall attitude pre-test mean was 10.575, mean% 66.09% with SD 2.06171.and post-test attitude mean12.625, mean% 78.90% with SD2.30593. So the knowledge and attitude score of 40 postnatal mothers regarding breast feeding and weaning practices had an enhancement of knowledge score observed is 14.17% and enhancement of attitude score as observed 12.18%. Since the post-test value was more than the pre0test, the STP was effective. The comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding breast feeding and weaning reveals that the overall knowledge pre-test mean 24.65 with SD 4.60518 and post0test mean 30.175 with SD 5.13853. The paired “t” test value 6.485988 which is higher than the table value, which is highly significant at 0.05 levels. So it indicates the STP was effective. The variables between knowledge mean 24.65 with SD 4.60518 in pre-test. And attitude mean 10.575 with SD 2.06171, the “r” value of knowledge and attitude was r-0.0244, a positive correlation which shows the study is significant. There was significant association between pre-test level of knowledge with selected demographic variables such as Age 10.719, df=4 S* and post-test knowledge Age 8.697 df=2 S*, mother’s education 13.561 df= 4 S*, father’s occupation 9.061 df=3 S*, sources of information 10.239 df=3 S*. Since the obtained value is more than the table value at 0.05 level of significance. So the results shows there is a significant association between pretest and post test knowledge score with their selected demographic variables so H3 Hypothesis is accepted. The findings of the study recommended the further interventional approach regarding knowledge and attitude on breast feeding and weaning practices among post-natal mothers is required. The present study was proved the standard teaching program was effective in increasing the knowledge and attitude of breast feeding and weaning practices among post-natal mothers.



Knowledge, Attitude, Breastfeeding, Weaning practices, Post-natal mothers.


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