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Asian Journal of Development Matters
Year 2017, Volume-11, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN : 0973-9629
Online ISSN : 0976-4674

Table of contents

Agricultural Labour: Changing Scenario of Labour Force in India
Mr. Madhu Bethi

Entrepreneurship development and where self help groups: An empirical investigation
Dr Shekara

The UN Role to Protect Human Rights in Term of Combating Terrorism
Dr. S. A. Javeed, Husin M. Almostafa

Anti-Dumping In International Trade: Issues and Prospective
Seyedehsaeideh Kazemi, Dr. Ramesh

A Causality Study on the Volatility of Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Real Exchange Rate Volatility in India
Dr. Navitha Thimmaiah, Rashmi

A study of financial analyst (FA) and retail investors (RI) perceptions of Web-Based reporting (WBR) in India
Dr. Devaraja Nayaka, Dr. Mohammed Usman

Long-Run impact of energy on development of Indian economy: An empirical estimation
Dr. GS Premakumara, Anitha Priya Govias

An Empirical Analysis of Inter-Relationship between Maternal Mortality and Development in Medium Human Development Countries
Dr. G.S. Premakumara, S.V Kavitha

Smart City project in India: Issues and Challenges
Dr. Arjun Kalloleppa Jambagi

An analysis of Socio-Economic conditions of agricultural labourers in Karnataka-With special referance to Hassan and Haveri District
K. M Kusuma, Dr. K. C. Basavara raju

Philosophy of teacher education in the context of corporate world

A study on socio-Economic development of farmers practicing organic farming in Southern Zone of Karnataka
Dr. Ramakrishna

Universal health coverage in India
Suchismita Mishra, T. Rajendra Prasad

Impact of yeshaswini health scheme on out of pocket expenditure: An empirical investigation
Dr. P T Dinesha

Spirituality and traditional beliefs among the Bhumij of West Bengal, India
Ms. Priyanka Kanrar

Judiciary as revitaliser of Gandhism
Dr. D. Rangaswamy

Green banking for green economy: An overview of challenges and suggestions
P T Shivakumar

Clean Energy Usage by Households in Karnataka: A Field Based Analysis
Dr. G.S. Premakumara, Adil Pasha

Teacher Effectiveness of secondary school teachers in relation to their Mental Health, Stress and Job Satisfaction
Dr. S.K Kumara


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