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Note for Contributors

Preparation of Manuscripts” (see below) strictly, before submission of the manuscript. Also the revised version (in the light of referee’s comments) of the paper should be returned within a fortnight of the data of receipt. ‘Rapid communications’ are published within 2 months of the date of acceptance.

Manuscript: Each article should not exceed 6000-8000 words or 10-15printed pages (typed in double space on one side) including 250 words of abstract. One hard copy and one soft copy (email attachment/CD) should be submitted. A reference number will be allotted immediately after receiving the manuscript. In all future correspondences author/s should use that reference number without fail. Soft copy is highly essential for speedy process. Please include a separate sheet containing, author’s name and mailing address (and Email-ID) including a declaration of originality of the article. References should be typed at the end of the paper and plz give only highly relevant references. The margin kept should be 1.5” on the left side and 1” on the other three sides. Hard copies sent through ordinary post will be appreciated. Authors of the papers will be notified of acceptance, need for revision or rejection of the paper. It may be noted that papers once rejected cannot be resubmitted. Materials to be reproduced from other publications must be properly credited. Moreover, the concerned author should suggest under which category the Manuscript is to be placed (review/ research/ research communication etc).

Review System: Every article is processed by a masked peer review of double blind or by three referees and edited accordingly before publication. The criteria used for accepted of article are: contemporary relevance, updated literature, logical analysis, relevance to the global problem, sound methodology, contribution to knowledge and fairly good English. Selection of articles will be purely based on the expert’s views and opinion. Authors will be communicated within Two months from the date of receipt of the manuscript. The editorial office will endeavor to assist where necessary with English language editing but authors are here by requested to seek local editing assistance as far as possible before submission. Papers with immediate relevance would be considered for early publication. The possible expectations will be in the case of occasional invited papers and editorials, or where a partial or entire issue is devoted to a special theme under the guidance of a Guest Editor.

General articles: Not exceeding 6000-7000 words including display items, and tables and figures discuss current trends in research in a filed that would be of interest to readers outside of the filed. Article should include an abstract, introductory paragraph, and brief subheads.

Research Articles: (should not exceed 6000-8000words) report research result of major and vital significance.

Special Articles: (should not exceed 7000 words, cited references to be limited 25-30 articles) are articles intended to be personalized reviews of research from the authors personnel research experiences, filed based study or work book or published work.

Review Articles: (should not exceed 600-8000 words) Articles are expected to survey and discuss current developmental in a filed. They should be specifically focused and organized, and avoid a general text-book style.

Rapid communication: is devoted to the announcement of timely and important results. Contributions to this and Note sections should not exceed Five pages. They should follow the same style and format as the full paper except that they need not be dived into sections. Justification should be given why it should be considered under this section.

Research Communications (should not exceed 3000 words). It should contain vital/major new findings that are really new, creative, novel and fairly broad interest. They should nod contain a brief abstract (200 words).

Proceedings Manuscripts of the proceedings may be submitted (after being refereed and properly edited by the conveyer/guest editor) in a camera-ready format. Prior approval from the Board of Editors is, however, required for its publication.

Letter to the editor: letters tot the editor committing on published articles in that particular issue is welcome. It should be a constructive comment and should not exceed 500 words.

Research News: should not exceed 3000 words are meant to reveal non-specialists about recently published advances or vital findings.

Opinion/commentary/notes: it should be around 3000 words. It may include, interesting case studies, personalities, institutions/essays etc.

Authors identification: To protect the anonymity of author/s while referring the papers for experts opinion on their merit, author/s are advised to avoid disclosing their identity in the text and to attach a separate page showing the name/s, affiliation/s and contact address and phone number (both residence and office) including E-mail-ID. E-mail-ID is highly essential and all necessary communication would be through it only.

Copyrights: The Central Editorial Board reserves the right of accepting or rejecting any article and making suitable alternations and amendments, without assigning any reason and no communication shall be done with the authors in these matters. The author owns the copyright of the article until the article is officially accepted by the journal for publication. After the acceptance communication, the ROAD TRUST(R) owns the copyright of the article. And they should not be reproducing it elsewhere without the written permission form the Editor/TRUST. Views/facts/data expressed in the article/s are exclusively of the writers. ‘Editor, Editorial Board, Advisory Board or TRUST or any people concerned with he journal are no way responsible for them’. Every effort has been made to ensure compliance with requirements of copyright clearance and appropriate credits. Please bring any commission to our attention.

Commercial use of the journal or the article in it is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the Publisher.

Line diagrams and Graphs: These should be prepared on separate sheets. Letterings, if any, should be clear and of high quality.

Photographs: It should be produced on glossy papers. Digital snaps will be preferred.

Tables: The tables should be submitted in separate pages and these must be utilized only in focusing of the essential data. Titles and column headings should be brief and descriptive.

Claims: claims for undelivered copies may be made no latter than three months following the month of publication. The publisher will supply missing copies when losses have been sustained in transits and when reserve stocks permit.

Change of address: Three weeks advance notice must be given when notifying change of address plz send the old adders label to ensure proper identification including changing of Email-ID.

Proofs: Normally proofs are not sent to the author/s except on special context. Editing will be done on the article to made suit to the style of the journal if required.

Figures: the number of figures should be kept to the minimum. Each figure must be referred to in the text, be numbered and have a caption. The captions should be typed on a separate sheet. The appropriate place of the figure should be indicated in the margin of the text.

Footnote: use footnotes only when essential and keeps them as short as possible. They should be numbered in superscript in the text, following any punctuation. It should be kept as brief as possible.

Bias in Language: Constructions that might imply bias against or stereotypes on the basis of gender, ethnicity, disability or age should be avoided.

Language and Spelling: Use British/American words and spellings in all cases.

Quotations: Verbatim citation of fewer than 40 words may be incorporated in the text enclosed with double quotation marks. A quotation of more than 40 words may be displayed as freestanding block, indenting five spaces from the margin. Do not use quotation marks for the block quotation.

Boxes: Summarize, bibliography and historical notes presented at a level different from the main body of the text and which nevertheless enhance the interest of the main theme can be placed as boxes items, Such a boxed item should fit in a printed page and not 200 words and should be in Aerial Style.

Appendices: All appendices should be numbered consecutively and typed on separate sheet.

Offprint’s/Reprints: separate offprint/s will not be supplied. Authors should buy a single copy on which their article has been published (excluding subscribers). The order, along with payment, for reprint should be sent with the corrected proofs. There is no page charge. But, however authors who would like to get reprints they should send Rs. 100/- extra (for five reprints -with /without cover).

If the reprint order is not revived in time, later request for any more reprints cannot be complied with.

Book review: Book review should be submitted in duplicate. It should not exceed 1500 words. Plz include name and address of the author/s and publisher. Try to give a holistic view of the book. Unsolicited reviews will be rarely considered. The following types of books will be reviewed. 1.Textbook of different subjects (science, technology, Medicine etc), Books useful to various competitive examinations (IAS/IPS/SSC/Sate Civil Service examination), 2 General Books 3.Ph.D thesis publications 4. Well-known classics 5.website or CDs related to various issues (social and sciences). New and relatively new books will be preferred. Publisher’s can directly send a copy of the book (maximum 4-books at a time) to the given address for review.

References: All references refereed to the text, tables and figures of a manuscript must be combined in a single list, numbered consecutively in their order of first appearances and arranged in the same order at the end of the text material. It should follow An Anthropological style.

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