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Editorial Board

Honorary Editor-in-Chief

: Dr. Stevan Wind

Executive Editor

: Dr. Bhasker Ranjan Gosh

Editorial Board Members

Prof. Flemming Just
Prof. Maithreyi Krishnaraj
Prof. P.R.G. Mathur
Prof. Paul U Unschuid
Prof. Allan Barnard
Dr.Mukul Asher
Dr. Shiva Prasad
Prof. Siddegowda
Dr. Varun Gouri
Prof. H.K. Bhat
Prof. Bisaliah
Dr. Keleghana
Dr. A Cruz
Dr. Marjorie Topley
Dr.Elizabeth Zakaria
Dr. Jakka Partha Sarathy
Prof. Annapurna.M
Prof. Muzaffar H. Assadi
Dr. Lancy D’ Souza
Dr. Anjali Kurane
Prof. V.S.N. Naidu
Prof. Chubey
Dr. Ramesh S. Kisan
Dr. A. Chandrasekar
Prof. C. De Wet
(South Africa)
Dr. Huttingson
Dr. Selvam Ramaswamy
Prof. Usha Rani
Dr. C Humphrey
Prof. Subadhra Chenna

Editorial Consultant

Advisory Board

Prof. Taravannat
Prof. Opielka
Prof. Malik Raj
Dr. K. Rajasheaker Reddy
Dr. Naargan Chi
Prof. Ranjan Guptha
Dr. Calvin Sophistus King
Prof. Devi Prasad

Journal Committee

: Dr. Srivatsa
: Mr. Venugopal P.N.
: Mr. M. Linga Raju
: Mr. Bhasker M.
: Mr. Suresh Kumar M S
: Ms. Jyothi Lakshmi S.

India Conveyer

: Prof. Annapurna M.
Department of Anthropology
University of Mysore
Mysore-06 Karnataka, India

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