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Editorial Board


Editor in Chief

Dr. Syed Sadat Ali MD (Physiology), PGDHHM
    Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College,
    Bangalore, India

Associate Editors

Dr. Rakesh Mittal MD (Pharmacology), PDCR, CMCL-FAIMER
    PGIMS, Rothak,

Dr. Paveen Kumar B.A MD (Community medicine)
    PES Institute of Medical Sciences, AP,

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Venugopalarao. Tanneru
    MD (Anesthesia)
    Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences,
    AP, India

Dr. Payal K Bansal
    MS (Surgery), PGHDE, FAIMER, IFME
    Associate Prof. and Head of MET, MUHS,

Prof. Dr. Dhaded
    SM MD, DM (Pediatrics)
    Head of Dept,
    JN Medical College,
    KLE University, India

Prof. Dr. Adinegara Bin Lutfi Abas
    MD, Maleka Manipal Medical College,

Prof. Dr. Lincoln Deva Kumar
    MD (Physiology)
    HOD, DR. B R Ambedkar Medical College,

Dr. Ranmol Kotak MD
    Agakhan foundation,

Ms. Radha Saini
    MSN, RN, Fellow UICC (Geneva)
    Associate Prof,
    Rayat-Bahra College of Nursing,

Dr. Ramona Phinehas MS (OBG)

Dr. Chetan S
    MDS (orthodontics)
    College of Dental Sciences,
    Davangere, India

Prof. Dr. Jyoti Nath Modi
    MD (OBG)
    People's College of Medical Sciences,
    Bhopal, India

Dr. Mohammed M Sameer
    MD (Anesthesia)
    King Abdullah Medical City,
    Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Prof. Sandeep Kudesia
    MD (Pathology)
    Sri Guru Ram Rai Institute of
    Health Sciences,

Prof. Anand Ambli
    MD (Internal Medicine)
    BLDE University,

Dr. Nitin Mittal
    MD, DM (Pharmacology)
    PGIMS, Rothak

Prof. Dr. Prakash
    MD (Anatomy)
    Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College,

Prof. Dr. Stanley John
    MS (ENT) Dean,
    Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College,
    Bangalore, India

Prof. Dr. Asha Kiran
    MD (Biochemistry),
    Head of Dept,
    Devaraj urs Higher Academy,

Prof. Dr. Jayaprakash. G
    MD (Forensic Medicine) Professor,
    Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College,

Dr. Mirza Karrar MD (Pathology)
    American International Medical University,
    Saint Lucia

Dr. A.K. Vijay Krishna Kumar
    MPT, Principal,
    Dr. B R Ambedkar College of Physiotherapy,

Dr. Gaurav Gulati
    MD, University of Toledo,
    College of Medicine

Dr. Puja Dulloo
    MD (Physiology)
    Oman Medical College, Muscat,
    Sultanate of Oman

Dr. Paraminder Wadhwa
    Grand Rapids,

Dr. Murali Manju
    MD (Anatomy)
    Asst. professor,
    American University of Antigua

Dr. Sabyasachi Das
    MD (Anesthesia)
    North Bengal Medical College,
    West Bengal

Prof. Dr. Malleshappa
    MD (Physiology)
    ESI-PGIMS, Bangalore,

Dr. Karthick K
    MD (Forensic Medicine)
    Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical College,

Dr. Srinivas Deshpande
    MD (Biochemistry)
    Malabar medical College,

Dr. Deepti Kiran
    MD (Community Medicine)
    Devaraj urs Higher Academy,

Mr. Mallapur,
    Senior Statistician,
    KLE University,

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