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Agricultural Engineering Today
Year 2023, Volume-47, Issue-4 (October-December)
Print ISSN : 0970-2962
Online ISSN : 2230-7265

Table of contents

From the Editor-in-Chief

Precision farming... Smart farming!

From the President

Precision agriculture - Opportunities & challenges
Dr. S. N. Jha

Pioneering precision agriculture
Ajit B. Jain

A strategic view point of Indian agriculture
Kumar Bimal

Precision farming - For climate resilience
Kaushal Jaiswal


Irrigation / Policy 75 lakh ha brought under PMKSY - Per drop more crop micro irrigation since 2016: Kailash Chaudhary

Only smart farming can transform agriculture
Primal Oswal

Precision agriculture in India: Seizing practical opportunities and addressing key challenges in micro irrigation
Shrikant Goenka

Improving micronutrients diversity in rice through food-to-food fortification
Dr Manish Tiwari, Manish Kumar, Prof Jatindra K Sahu

Precision agriculture - Opportunities & challenges
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Chauhan

Precision agriculture: Opportunities & challenges
Sanjay Borkar

Tractor-trailers as a transportation mean: Safety aspects
Mude Arjun Naik, Adarsh Kumar, K N Agarwal, S Leela Jyothi

Precision agriculture: A path to sustainable food production!!
Deepak Pareek

Startups - In harmony for a smart future
Agam Khare

Boost crop yield with agri-intelligence
Mr Mohit Pande, Rajesh Jalan

Precision farming - The modern approach
Ananda Verma

AI-powered localization: Revolutionizing the way we communicate
Miss Amrit Warshini, Dr. R.K. Doharey, Mr Anurag Shankar Singh

Food safety management systems - A brief overview
Devinder Dhingra

Precision agriculture: Nurturing growth in the digital era
Himani Shah

Bundelkhand - Vertical farming for escalated farm revenue
R. K. Singh

Protected cultivation of off-season vegetables
P. K. Singh

The evolution of cotton harvesting: A critical review of contemporary technologies
Sharanbasava, Amit Kumar, Dr. Devanand Maski

Farm robots: A new reality for Indian agriculture
Dr Kishore Chandra Swain


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