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Guidelines for Authors

1. Nature of Contribution

The paper should relate to policies, issues, problems, solutions and technology status, in Agricultural Engineering and allied disciplines and should be interesting to the farmers, manufacturers, sales/service personals, scientists, and engineers in agriculture.

2. General Format of the Manuscript

The manuscript is to be written in English/Hindi using short and simple sentences. It is to be typed in MS Word using Arial 11 pt. font, double-spacing, on one side of A-4 size paper. The first page is to have the title of the paper, followed by the authors(s)’ names(s), Abstract (200 words approx.), a few key words and a footnote giving the authors’ affiliation, postal address with PIN code, e-mail address and identifying the Corresponding author. The text of the paper may have main and sub-heads. The manuscript may not exceed 12 pages including the Text, Tables and Sketches. Please ensure that only 81 units are used. The manuscript should end with a set of crisp and clear Conclusions.

3. Tables

Please use the Table format (Simple) and accommodate information avoiding Landscape layout. Include all the Tables at the end of the manuscript after References. Each Table must have a number and a title, typed above the Table.

4. Illustrations

AET is printed in black and white only. There should be no coloured lines, legends, histograms etc., in the illustrations. A Figure should not be crowded with too many labels. The letter size of the labels should be readable after 50% reduction. If relevant, a few sharp colour photographs may be included, but they will be rendered in black and white. All illustrations may be placed after the Tables and each must lave a Figure number and caption, typed below the illustration.

5. References

There must be a one-to-one correspondence between the references cited and the references listed. Please use standard format for citing and listing references.

6. Submission

Please submit two prints and one CD of the manuscript to the Society address to be found elsewhere in this journal. Kindly do write your ISAE membership number as it will appear in paper. In addition, an electronic copy is also highly desirable, as it reduces the time in processing and allows faster communication with author(s). The electronic copy may be sent to: ssingh5119@gmail.com or ssingh@ciae.res.in or <isae2001@yahoo.co.in>. In the electronic copy, Figures must be editable and each may be placed inside a Text Box. Legend/labels must be contained within the main Figure and not outside, as later increases printing cost.

7. Preferences in Publication

AET is primarily meant for publishing information in any area of Agricultural Engineering and allied fields that may be useful to technology developers and users, manufacturers, planers and policy makers. It discourages the authors from sending fully research papers for which other journal are available. However, a research paper, which has been shown to have potential for adoption of its findings, may be considered.

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