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Agricultural Economics Research Review
Year 2013, Volume-26, Issue-Conference
Print ISSN : 0971-3441
Online ISSN : 0974-0279

Table of contents

Suresh Pal


Regional Pattern of Agricultural Growth and Rural Employment in India: Have Small Farmers Benefitted?
M.L. Nithyashree, Suresh Pal

Recent Trends in Rural Employment and Wages in India: Has the Growth Benefitted the Agricultural Labours?
P. Venkatesh

Rural Livelihood Security: Assessment of Fishers’ Social Status in India
Shyam S. Salim, R. Sathiadhas, R. Narayanakumar, P.K. Katiha, M. Krishnan, R.S. Biradar, Nikita Gopal, Nagesh Barik, B. Ganesh Kumar

Growth and Instability in Agricultural Productivity: A District Level Analysis
Anjani Kumar, Rajni Jain

An Investigation into Growth, Instability and Role of Weather in Gujarat Agriculture: 1981–2011
Niti Mehta

Truncated Growth and Compromised Sustainability: The Case of Lake Fisheries in Kashmir
Neha W. Qureshi, M. Krishnan, C. Sundaramoorthy, A.K. Vasisht, S.H. Baba, Nalini Ranjan Kumar, Rama Sharma

Analyzing Growth and Instability in Subsistence Agriculture of Odisha: Evidence from Major Crops
Kirtti Ranjan Paltasingh, Phanindra Goyari

Goat Rearing: A Pathway for Sustainable Livelihood Security in Bundelkhand Region
M.K. Singh, A.K. Dixit, A.K. Roy, S.K. Singh

Income and Livelihood Issues of Farmers: A Field Study in Uttar Pradesh
Ajit Kumar Singh

Engendering Rural Livelihoods in Karnataka – A Socio-economic Assessment
S. Nandini, V.R. Kiresur

Technical Change and Efficiency of Rice Production in India: A Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Approach
A. Suresh

Energy Growth Linkage and Strategy for Meeting the Energy Demand in Indian Agriculture
Girish Kumar Jha

Impact of Improved Agro-techniques on Sustainable Livelihood Empowerment: An Economic Study from West Bengal
G. Mula, S.C. Sarker

Livelihood Security of Resource Poor Farmers through Alkali Land Reclamation: An Impact Analysis
K. Thimmappa, R.S. Tripathi, R. Raju, Y.P. Singh

Rural Employment Scheme and Agricultural Wage Rate Nexus: An Analysis across States
A. Narayanamoorthy, Madhusudan Bhattarai

Has Adoption of Improved Rice Technology Enhanced Economic and Livelihood Security in Kashmir Valley?
M.H. Wani, S.H. Baba, P. Rama Sundaram, Shoaib Yousuf, Shahid Yousuf

Agricultural Transformation in Trans Himalayan Region of Himachal Pradesh: Cropping Pattern, Technology Adoption and Emerging Challenges§
H.R. Sharma, S.K. Chauhan

Integrated Poultry-Fish Farming Systems for Sustainable Rural Livelihood Security in Kumaon Hills of Uttarakhand
L.S. Gangwar, Sandeep Saran, Sarvesh Kumar


Growth and Instability of Horticultural Crops in India
Punit Kumar Agarwal, Divya Pandey, Santosh Kumar

Recent Trends in Agricultural Growth: Are We Running or Creeping?
Pushpa, Bulbul G. Nagrale, B.S. Chandel, A.K. Chauhan

Volatility and Cointegration in Export of Livestock and Marine Products of India
Bishal Gurung

Capital Formation, Agricultural Growth and Poverty: State-wise Analysis of Inter-linkages during Pre- and Post-reform Periods
Seema Bathla

Forecasting of Long Memory Time-Series
Ranjit Kumar Paul

Nature and Causes of Growth and Instability of Soybean in Major States of India
Purushottam Sharma, B. U. Dupare

Growth, Instability and Forecast of Marine Product Export from India
Apu Das, Nalini Ranjan Kumar, Tesfom Melake Araya, Prathvi Rani

Growth Pattern and Instability in Sugarcane Production during Pre- and Post-Liberalization Regimes
L.S. Gangwar, S. Soloman, M.R. Verma, S.S. Hasan, P.K. Bajpai

Accelerating Growth in Vegetable Production System for Economic and Sustainable Development
S.M. Vanitha, Shubadeep Roy, P.S. Naik

Agricultural Investment and Food Security in India
S.S. Burark, Hari Singh, Hemant Sharma

Trends and Impact of Budgetary Allocations to Agricultural Development in India
G.B. Lokesh

Sustainable Agricultural Development and Poverty — Some Issues for Policy Interventions
Amarendra P. Singh

Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Livelihood Security System in India
Shoji Lal Bairwa, S. Kushwaha, Kerobim Lakra, Suresh Bairwa

Rice Production in India: Trends and Determinants
Anjoo Yumnam, S.K. Chauhan

Rural-urban Income Disparity, Agriculture-Nutrition-Health Linkages, and Secondary Agriculture
S.K. Shaphiya, N. Sanjeevarao

Dynamics of Indian Rural Labour Supply: Causes and Consequences of Farm Labour Shortage on Agricultural Development
Roopa Patavardhan, D.S. Leelavathi

Challenge of Nourishing Agri-led India: A State-wise Analysis
P. Kataria, M.S. Sidhu, Sukhjeet K. Saran

Economic Evaluation of Fish Farming Practices in the Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam
Sonmoina Bhuyan, Swadesh Prakash, M. Krishnan, N.R. Kumar

Technology for Promoting Pulses Production: An Economic Evaluation of Front Line Demonstrations in the Intermediate Hill Zone of Jammu & Kashmir
Pawan Kumar Sharma, Suraj Prakash, Arvind Ishar, Sanjeev Kumar, Shahid Ahamad

Productivity Trends of Foodgrain Crops in Jammu and Kashmir: A Comparative Study with National Trens
Anil Bhat, Jyoti Kachroo, Sudhakar Dwivedi, S.P. Singh, Pawan Sharma

District-wise Agricultural Crop Performance Scenario in West Bengal during Past Three Decades
Soumitra Chatterjee, Jui Ray

Agricultural Sustainability in Assam — An Economic Analysis
R. Buragohain, J.P. Hazarika, N. Deka

Multivariate Typology of Milk Producing Households Based on Farm and Socioeconomic Characteristics in Uttarakhand Hills: Explaining Economic Sustainability in Dairy Farming
Shibashish Baral, D. Bardhan

Study of Livelihood Security through Migratory Sheep Rearing in Hill Economy: A Case Study of Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh
Sushila Kaul

Growth and Instability of Food Crop Sector in Assam – A District Level Analysis
M. Gajamati Devi, J.P. Hazarika, Nivedita Deka

Impact of New Technology, Agricultural Growth, Employment and Poverty: A Study in Odisha
Dibakar Sahoo, G. Nancharaiah

An Appraisal of Crop Sector Growth in Assam
Sumi Dutta, N. Deka, R.N. Barman

Economic Viability of Marginal and Small Farmers in Punjab
Sukhpal Singh, H. S. Kingra, Sangeet, Shruti Bhogal, Amarpreet Kaur

Trends in Growth and Stability of Rice and Wheat Crops: A Comparative Analysis of India and Punjab
V.R. Renjini, Raj Kumar, J.M. Singh

Growth and Instability in Agriculture of Jammu Region
Huma Sehar, Jyoti Kachroo, Dileep Kachroo

State of Agricultural Finance in India: A Case Study of Haryana
Prince Bhandari

Production, Sale and Employment Trends in Village Industries during Pre- and Post-liberalization Periods: A Case Study of Punjab
Mini Goyal, Pratibha Goyal, Sukhmani

New Physiological Disorders in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Fruit or Seed Production, Market Acceptability and Economic Losses in North-East Plain Zone
P.L. Saran, P.R. Kumar, R. Choudhary, Ganga Devi, I.S. Solanki

Growth and Instability in Cotton Production in Rajasthan
Shirish Sharma, I.P. Singh

Farmers, Willingness to Pay for Public Agricultural Extension Services in Tripura State of North-East India
Amit Debnath, R. Saravanan, S.M. Feroze

Regulated Markets in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh: An Economic Analysis of Performance and Investment
Harbans Lal, Varsha Gupta, Virender Kumar, K.D. Sharma

Pattern of Rural Livelihood Diversification in West Bengal
Dilruba Khatun, B.C. Roy

A Study on Rural Livelihoods in Eastern Himalayas: Meghalaya
Sumarbin Umdor

Growth of Dairy Sector in Punjab — Prospects and Challenges
Parminder Kaur, A.S. Bhullar

Input Cost and Output Prices of Selected Crops of Gujarat — A Comparative Analysis
Ganga Devi, Y.C. Zala, V.K. Gondaliya, A.S. Shaikh

Livelihood Status of Tribal People Practicing Jhum Cultivation in Tripura State of North-east India
Jayasree Datta, N.R. Gangadharappa, Muttann

The Status of Sustainable Livelihood Security in Rajasthan
V.K. Agarwal, S.K. Srivastava

Crop Livestock Integration and Sustainable Livelihood in Rural Assam
Mahua Bhattacharjee

Statistical Evaluation of Development Indices on Agricultural Front in Gujarat
Vivek Pal, R.L. Shiyani, N.J. Ardeshna

Agriculture, Policy and Food Security in Andhra Pradesh
V. Rajendra Prasad, D. Vishnu Sankar Rao, G. Raghunadha Reddy, V. Srinivasa Rao, G. Sivanarayana

Addressing Productivity Gaps to Sustain Small-scale Rice Farming in Andhra Pradesh
B. Nirmala, P. Muthuraman, Shaik N. Meera, Amtul Waris

Price Discovery and Seasonal Movement of Cauliflower in Agriculture Produce Market of Pune District of Maharashtra
Rahul Mali, Balasaheb Pawar, Bhaskar Patil

Dynamics of Soybean Production in Different Districts of Madhya Pradesh
S.C. Meena, Deepak Rathi, Hari Om Sharma

Dynamics of Milk Production in Maharashtra: An Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations
Deepak Shah

Restructuring Homegardens through Technological and Managerial Interventions — An Attempt in Kerala
S. Regeena, Sheeba Rebecca Isaac

Rice Production and its Instability in Gujarat: A Decomposition Approach
Narendra Singh, A.K. Dixit, B.S. Reddy, Surendra B. Kuthe

Growth and Variability in Vegetable Production in Karnataka
B.S. Reddy, L.B. Hugar, A.K. Dixit, Narender Singh

Growth of Agricultural Sector in Maharashtra – A Quantitative Analysis
B.N. Pawar, H.R. Shinde, J.T. Dorge

Growth and Instability in Rainfed Maize in Karnataka
A.S. Shashi Kiran, K.B. Umesh, K.S. Aditya

Economic Analysis of Farm Ponds and Water Productivity in Tungabhadra Project Command Area, Karnataka
L. Ravi Simha, L.B. Hugar, G.B. Lokesh

Acreage Response of Paddy Farmers in Wayanad: Application of Autoregressive Distributive Lag Bounds Testing Approach
Monish Jose, Ulrike Grote

Performance of Foodgrains in Maharashtra State
K.V. Deshmukh, Pallab Debnath

A comparative Assessment of Social Safety Net Programs in Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh: Impact on Smallholder Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods
Madhusudan Bhattarai, B.L. Varalakshmi, M.C.S. Bantilan

Agricultural Growth and Instability in Maharashtra: Trends and Determinants
S.S. Kalamkar

Agricultural Performance in Kerala in Terms of Total Factor Productivity Growth Rate
N. Karunakaran

State of Floriculture in Maharashtra: A Case Study of Floriculturists in Pune District
S.R. Walawande, R.K. Rahane, R.R. Mali, M.N. Waghmare

Paddy Storage in Rural Godowns in Tungabhandra Project Area in Karnataka — A Mode of Economic and Food Security
C. Nagaraj, Amrutha T. Joshi, Suresh S. Patil, Lokesha H., M. Nemichandrappa

Consumer Behaviour towards Low Value Fish Products — An Economic Analysis
R. Munireddy, Mangala

Inclusion of Excusive Lands in Andhra Pradesh — The Ways and Means
T.V. Ramana, D. Thirupathaiah

Role of Agricultural and Allied Sectors in Economic Development
J.S. Kumbhar, B.V. Pagire, G.G. Joshi, J. T. Dorge

Impact of Skill Development and Training on Socio-economic Status of Sericulturists in Karnataka
V.K. Rahmathulla, G. Srinivasa, N. Sathyanarayana, B. Saratchandra

Growth dimensions of Karnataka Economy in Post-Liberalization Period
Kiran Kumar R Patil, G.R. Manjunatha, Santosh G. Patil, B. Chinnappa

Characterization of Predominant Farming System of Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hill Zone of Madhya Pradesh
R.K. Rai, H.L. Kharbikar, V.K. Shukla

Growth and Instability in Foxtail Millet Production in Karnataka: Policy Options for its Sustainability
G.M. Hiremath, L.B. Hugar, Suresh S. Patil, Amrutha T. Joshi

Structural Growth and Development of Agricultural Sector in North-eastern Karnataka – An Economic Analysis
B. Sserunjogi, H. Lokesha, L.B. Hugar, S.S. Patil, V.P. Nagalikar

Comparative Economic Analysis of Baby Corn under Contract and Non-Contract Farming in Karnataka
H.S. Roopa, N. Nagaraj, M.G. Chandrakanth

Empowerment of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Farmers through Integrated Farming System
Geeta P. Channal, B.U. Umesh, B.S. Yengi, G.K. Naidu

Role of Public and Private Partnership in Entrepreneurship Development for Sustainable Growth of Agricultural Sector
S. Angles, M. Chinnadurai, S. Kanaka

Watershed Management: A Strategy for Inclusive Growth in Fragile Ecosystems of India
B.L. Dhyani, Suresh Kumar, D. Mandal, Pradeep Dogra

Resource Conservation Technologies in Rice-Wheat Production System on Reclaimed Alkali Soils for Livelihood Security of Farmers
R.S. Tripathi, R. Raju, K. Thimmappa

Livestock Production in Rainfed Regions as Influenced by Climatic Variability
Shalander Kumar, Khem Chand

Can Land-use Pattern in India be Sustainable? Issues and Policies for the Future
D. Suresh Kumar, S.S. Raju

Strategies for Land Use in Changing Scenario — A Quest for Sustainable Agriculture
Kamal Kumar Datta, Shiv Raj Singh

Innovations and Technology: An Economic Analysis of their Contribution in Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Development
Parvani Sharma, S.P. Singh, Harminder Singh

Forest Cover, Productivity, Services and Trade of Products in India — A Critical Review and Analysis
K. Kareemulla, B. Aparna

Conservation and Recycling of Resources Sustainable Agricultural Development
P.S. Dharpal, J.K. Gupta, A.M. Wadafale

Impact of Population on Agricultural Resources: A Temporal and Spatial Analysis in India
D.G. Satihal

Shrinking Pastures and Grazing Lands: A Concern to Small Livestock Holders
A.K. Dixit, M.K. Singh, B.S. Reddy, Narendra Singh

Climate Change Vulnerability and Rural Livelihoods: Evidence, Coping Mechanisms and Lessons Learnt from Cold Desert of Leh in North-West Himalayas
Falendra K. Sudan

Livestock Livelihood Ramifications in Milieu of Conservation Agriculture for Sustainability in Punjab
D.K. Grover

A Study on Farming Systems and Sustainable Livelihood through Managing Wastewater in West Bengal
Sk. Mahidur Rahaman, Surajit Haldar

Transition Economics of Conventional to Organic Farming: A Case Study of Basmati Paddy Farming in Haryana
Shiv Kumar, Subhash Chandra, D.R. Singh, K.R. Chaudhary, Sandeep Kumar

Rural Livelihood Diversification in Flood-prone Ecosystem: The Case of Odisha
Parshuram Samal, Biswanath Sadangi

The Caste Dynamics of Rural Livelihood Sustainability in Punjab
Kamal Vatta, R.S. Sidhu

Agricultural Insurance: A Critical Analysis of Perception and Performance of NAIS in Jammu & Kashmir
Kiyanoush Ghalavand

A Comparative Economic Analysis of SRI and Traditional Methods of Rice Cultivation in Assam
Ishani Parasar, J.P. Hazarika, Nivedita Deka

Impact of Conservative Use of Farm Resources in Trans-Gangetic Plain in India
S.P. Singh, B. Gangwar, P. Ramasunderum

De-gradation of Water Resources and Agricultural Development in Punjab
Sukhjeet K. Saran, Arjinder Kaur

Resource Utilization and Sustainability Issues Confronting Punjab Agriculture
Aakanksha Melkani

Assessment of On-farm Conservation Technology for Improving Water-use and Technical Efficiency in Punjab Agriculture
Taptej Singh, Baljinder Kaur

Sustainability of Wheat Cultivation in Irrigated and Unirrigated Areas of Banswara District of Rajasthan
D.P. Singh

Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in Nasik District of Maharashtra
G.P. Reddy, N. Sivaramane, Avatar Singh Rana, Brajaraja Mishra

Land Degradation and its Impact on Livelihood Security of Farm Households
M.N. Waghmare, B.N. Pawar, P.N. Shendage.

From Farm Security to Farmer Sovereignty: Adoption of Weather Based Crop Insurance as an Antidote to Climate Variability
V. Karthick, K. Mani

Foraged, Trapped and Hunted Foods in Valappur Nadu of Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu
Prabhakaran T. Raghu, N.N. Kalaiselvan, V. Arivudai Nambi, G. Brindha, P.I. Maria Philip

Sustainability of Agriculture in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra
Prema Borkar

Economic Impact of Integrated Pest Management in Eggplant: A Propensity-Score Matching Analysis for Tamil Nadu
N. Kiruthika

Organic Sugarcane Farming for Sustainable Agriculture in Kolhapur District of Western Maharashtra
M.S. Jadhav, U.S. Bondar, B.B. Gawade, R.R. Suryawanshi

Is Development of Maharashtra a Threat to State Forests and Environment?
B.V. Pagire, J.S. Kumbhar

Sustainability of Farming Systems for Improving Farmers’ Livelihood Security
J.T. Dorge, D.B. Yadav, H.R. Shinde

Grape Cultivation and Management of Mealy Bug in Sangli District of Maharashtra — An Analysis
R.R. Mali, B.B. Gagade

Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood of Farmers Under Drought Situation — A Socio-economic Study
Suresh S. Patil, L.B. Hugar, G.M. Hiremath, Amrutha T. Joshi, G.N. Maraddi

Sustainable Agricultural Development through Lift irrigation in Andhra Pradesh
Kishore Babu, A. Balakrishna, M. Rajani

Methods for Assessment and Evaluation of Soil Ecosystem Services
S.C. Ramesh Kumar, L.G.K. Naidu, Dipak Sarkar

Technical Efficiency and its Determinants: A Case Study of Fruit and Vegetable Growers in Tamil Nadu
Srinivasulu Rajendran

Trends in Crop Diversification by Agro-ecological Zones of India
Surabhi Mittal, Jeetendra Aryal, Mamta Mehar, Vinod Hariharan

Micro-level Evidences on Women's Access to Resources and Decision-making — Insights from Eastern India
Usha Rani Ahuja, Rajni Jain, Anjani Kumar, Dharminder Choudhary, Amarjeet Singh

Trends in Rural Non-farm Sector, its Linkages with Agriculture and Impact on Poverty Reduction — A Case Study of Tourism as an Emerging Non-farm Sector
Tushar Pandey, Namita Singh, Parth Joshi

Role of Gender in Adoption of New Agricultural Technology: The Case Study of a Seed Variety in India
Takashi Yamano, Srinivasulu Rajendran

Social and Economic Impact of Agro Processing Centres at National Level
Anil K. Dixit, S.K. Nanda, S.K. Aleksha Kudos

Crop Diversification — A Desired Strategy towards Sustainable Development and Economic Upliftment of Farmers
Gomatee Singh, S. Waseem A. Ashraf

Economic Viability of Processing Technology in Bastar Region: A Study on Extraction of Cashew Kernel
Praveen Kumar Verma, S.K. Nag, S.K. Patil

Value-added Diversified Floriculture – Scope of New Products for Higher Returns to Small and Marginal Floricultural Farmers of West Bengal
Tuhin Narayan Roy

Women Participation in Household Decision-making: Implications for Women Empowerment
Kavita, Sandeep Kumar

Dynamics of Non-Farm Sector Employment and its Impact on Income in Rural Punjab
S.S. Chahal, Raj Kumar, P. Kataria, A.A. Devi

Pattern of Crop Diversification and Land Use in Uttar Pradesh
Rooba Hasan, H. P. Singh, Rakesh Singh, Diwan Nayeer Khan

Rural Entrepreneurship Development in an Agrarian Economy — A Study in West Bengal
B. Swaminathan, T.N. Roy, S. Murali Gopal, M. Chinnadurai

Entrepreneurial Potential of Agribusiness in Linking Rural Masses to Global Markets: A Roadmap for Livelihood Security in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Saket Kushwaha, V. Kmalvanshi, Kerobim Lakra, C. Sen

Agricultural Diversification and Self-Sufficiency in Jammu & Kashmir
Naseer Hussain Bazaz, Imtiyaz ul Haq

Study on Economics of Potato Growing for Livelihood Security
Quadri Javeed Ahmad Peera, S.K. Kher, Hakim Shabir Ahmad, Nafees Ahmad, Mudasir Iqbal, B.A. Bhat

Role of Tribal Women in Non-Farm Activities of Tasar Sector and its Socio-Economic Impact on their Livelihood Security
K. Sathyanarayana, Md. Shamshad Alam, V.K. Rahmathulla, B. Saratchandra

Empowerment of Tribal Women through Access to Microcredit: An Evidence from Ri-Bhoi and East Hills Districts of Meghalaya
Marry Prathyusha Gondi, S.M. Feroze, Ram Singh, R. Saravanan

Are Marketing Intermediaries Exploiting Hill Farmers in India? An Economic Analysis of Vegetable Supply Chains in Himachal Pradesh
Z.D. Mohind, Harbans Lal

Changing Cropping Pattern in Gujarat – A Regional Analysis
Jignesh Shah, Mukesh Patel, Darsh Worah

Role of Women Labour in Decision-making Process in Agriculture in South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone of Gujarat state
J.V. Varsani, N.J. Ardeshna

Diversification of Cropping Pattern in Central Gujarat during Previous Decade
Y.C. Zala, V.K. Gondalia, A.S. Sheikh, K.S. Jadav

A Study on Dynamics of Livestock Population in North-eastern Karnataka
Mahantesh Bagalkot, Siddayya, Suresh Patil, Lokesha H., Jag Jiwan Ram

Institutional and Economic Triggers of Land Use and Crop Diversification in Karnataka
B.R. Jamkhandi, M.G. Chandrakanth, N. Nagaraj, M.C.S. Bantilan

Changes in Land-use and Cropping Pattern in Maharashtra
T.B. Deokate, D.P. Bandgar

Economic Empowerment of Farm Women through Income Generating Activities in Karnataka
Pramod M. Chandakavate, H.S. Shivaramu, B.V. Krishnamurthy, Nagaraju, M. Harshavardhan, G. Kushala, N. Nagaraj, M.G. Chandrakanth

Diversification of Women Employment towards Non-Farm Sector: A District Level Study of Rural Gujarat
Chirag M. Patel, R.L. Shiynai, N.J. Ardeshna

Gender Gap and Women Labour Participation in Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh
Amtul Waris, B. Nirmala, S. Arun Kumar, Shaik N. Meera, P. Muthuraman

Livelihood Option for Rural Household through Processing and Marketing of Kokum (Garcenia indica) Products in Unorganized Sector of Konkan Region
P.J. Kshirsagar, S.S. Wadkar, J. M. Talathi

Extent of Crop Diversification in Maharashtra: A Regionwise Analysis
H.R. Shinde, R.R. Suryawanshi, B.B. Gawade, A.N. Ratnparkhe

Changes in Cropping Pattern in Western Maharashtra
A.V. Gavali, S.B. Sapkal, D.B. Yadav

Contribution of Farm Women in Agriculture in Maharashtra
J.P. Yadav, B.N. Pawar, N.K. Kale

Female Work Participation in Kerala Agricultural Sector
M. Michael Raj

Dynamics of Land-use Pattern in Konkan Region of Maharashtra
V.A. Thorat, J.S. Dhekale, J.M. Talathi

Silk Reeling — An Alternative Non-farm Activity for Livelihood Security in Chikkaballapur District of Karnataka
G. Mahesh, H.V. Harishkumar, B.N. Venu

Livelihood Security of Farm Households under Different Farming Systems in Kolar District of Karnataka — An Economic Analysis
H.V. Harish Kumar, K.B. Umesh, B.N. Venu

Impact of Change in Cropping Pattern on Female Labour Participation: A Case Study of Mallapally Village in Kerala
Ranjith Mathew Abraham, M. Michael Raj

Changes in Agricultural Land-use Pattern in Andhra Pradesh — An Analysis
R. Vijaya Kumari

Empowerment of Women and Livelihood Security of Farm Households in Rainfed Regions of Karnataka
S. Sakamma, K.B. Umesh, Kiran Kumar R. Patil


Author Index


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