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Guidelines for Submission of Papers/Abstracts

  1. The journal publishes research articles, review articles, research notes and communications in basic and applied research on economic aspects of agriculture and rural development. Comprehensive review articles in the area of agricultural economics (including livestock, horticulture and fisheries), conference/symposia proceedings and book reviews are also published in the Journal. To encourage the young researchers, recent abstracts of M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses in agricultural economics are also published.

  2. The journal is managed by the eminent economists under the domain of Agricultural Economics Research Association (India). The authors submitting papers to Agricultural Economics Research Review should be members of this Association.

  3. Two copies of manuscript typed in double space should be sent to the Managing Editor, Agricultural Economics Research Review, National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), DPS Marg, New Delhi - 110 012 and a soft copy to aeraindia@gmail.com simultaneously. All articles must include an abstract in about 100–150 words.

  4. Authors should include the complete source of research article, like project, along with sponsor, M.Sc./Ph.D. thesis, etc. They should mention the title of the Project/Thesis also.

  5. The length of papers should not be more than 20 (double space) typed pages, including tables, diagrams and appendices.

  6. Abstracts of recent M.Sc. theses should not exceed one typed page and those of Ph.D. theses, two typed pages. The authors must mention at the top of the abstracts the degree for which the thesis was submitted and the year of award, like M.Sc. (2008), Ph.D. (2008). The name of ‘major advisor’ should also be included.

  7. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) with e-mail address(es) should be provided on a separate page along with the title of the article.

  8. Only essential mathematical notations may be used. All statistical formulae should be neatly typed. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in plain arabic superscripts.

  9. References: Only cited works should be included in reference list. The citation of references should be in the following order: author(s) name(s); year; title of article; name of journal; volume; number; and pages. Please follow the style of citations as in the latest issue of this journal. Papers not submitted in the standard format, as suggested above will not be considered for publication.

    The reference list should be alphabetized and not numbered. To avoid ambiguity, the title of journal should be given in full.

    The following examples, as typical entries, provide guidance for entries in the reference list.

    Research Paper: Rosegrant, M.W. and Pingali, P.I. (1994) Policy and technology for rice productivity growth in Asia. Journal of International Development, 6(6): 6656–88.

    Book: Rosegrant, M.W. and Hazell, P.B.R. (2000) Transforming Asian Economy: The Unfinished Revolution. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.

    Chapter in a Book or Paper in a published proceedings: Kumar, P. (2001) Agricultural performance and productivity. In: Indian Agricultural Policy at the Crosswords, Eds: S.S. Acharya and D.P. Chaudhri. New Delhi: Rawat Publication, pp. 353–476.

    Paper in a Conference/Symposium: Kapoor, B.C. (2000) Managing in the face of not-so developed and organized environment. In: Proceedings of National Symposium on Management and Development, held at Institute of Public Administration, Jaipur, 23–25 July.

    Thesis: Behera, Sumanta (2004) Impact of Technological Change and Economics of Cocoon Production in Mandya District of Andhra Pradesh, MSc (Seri Technol) Thesis, Submitted to University of Mysore.

    Units: Use SI units; a few examples are given below:








    Million hectares








    Million tonnes










    Please note that no full stop is used after the abbreviation of units.

  10. Papers submitted for publication should be exclusively written for this journal and should not have been published or sent for publication elsewhere.

  11. The journal Agricultural Economics Research Review is available on-line, please contact at the following addresses for on-line services:

    1. EBSCO Publishing
      Editorial Department
      10 Estes St., Ipswich,
      MA 01938-0590, USA
      E-mail: information@epnet.com
      Web: www.epnet.com

    2. Divan Enterprises
      B-9, Basement, Block-A
      Naraina Vihar, New Delhi 110 028, India

  12. Membership Tariffs/Subscription to Agricultural Economics Research Review* (Effective from January, 2010)


    Print copy


    Print + Online (E-publication)

    National Institutional Membership

    Rs 2000/-

    Rs 2000/-

    Rs 3000/-

    Individual Membership

    Rs 500/-

    Rs 500/-

    Rs 750/-

    Student Membership

    Rs 400/-

    Rs 400/-

    Rs 600/-

    Life Membership

    Rs 4000/-

    Rs 4000/-

    Rs 4000/-


    Institutional Membership

    US $ 150

    US $ 150

    US $ 300

    Individual Membership

    US $ 75

    US $ 75

    US $ 75

    Life Membership

    US $ 500

    US $ 500

    US $ 500

    * Payment should be made through Demand Draft payable to Treasurer, Agricultural Economics Research Association at New Delhi.

    The annual subscription includes two regular issues of the journal and a Conference Number.

Address for Correspondence:

    Agricultural Economics Research Association
    National Centre for Agricultural Economics and
    Policy Research (NCAP)
    Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110 012
    E-mail: aeraindia@gmail.com
    Webpage: www.geocities.com/aeraindia

Correspondence may preferably be done through E-mail.

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