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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 27) Last page : ( 37)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.

Anxiety pattern of college students in relation to their emotional intelligence and demographic variables

Dr. Tali D. B.*, Dr. Dharamveer**

*Asst. Professor, CDL College of Education, Bhagwangarh, Jagadhri, Haryana, India

**Assistant Project, Co-ordinator, SSA, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, India

Online published on 21 September, 2017.


Mental health problems emerge serious threats generally to the well being of human society in both genders. These problems break up the peace of our mind and it disturbs the stability of our mind. Now a day, anxiety and its associated problems are among the most common psychiatric syndromes in all over the world. It is also believed that this psychiatric syndrome is increasing day by day and it affects approximately 25 percent of the general populations. Hence, the present study attempt to find out the difference in anxiety pattern of college students and how it's associated with emotional intelligence and certain demographic variables such as Gender, Locality and academic streams in district Hamirpur of H.P. For this purpose, Anxiety Scale by Sinha &Sinha and Emotional Intelligence Scale by Hyde, Dethe & Dhar was administered to a sample of 150 college students. Two ways ANOVA (2X2 factorial design) was used to find out the main effect and interactional effect of high and low emotional intelligence belonging to two levels of gender, locality and academic streams. The results indicated that anxiety pattern of high and low emotional intelligent college students belonging to urban and rural areas differs significantly. It was also found that high and low EI college students belonging to science and arts stream have significant effect on the anxiety pattern. However, EI and gender of college students do not differs significantly on their anxiety pattern.


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