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Editorial Board

Dr. B. S. Rai
M.A English, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief

Former Principal
G.N. Khalsa PG. College,
Yamunanagar, Haryana, India
Email: balbirsinghrai@yahoo.ca



Dr. Romesh Chand

Professor- cum-Principal
CDL College Of Education,
Jagadhri, Haryana, India
Email: drromesh_chandhpu@rediffmail.com,
Email: cdlcoe2004@gmail.com



Dr. Dhramveer

Former Principal
CDL College of Education,
Jagadhri, Haryana, India
Email: dveer70@yahoo.co.in



Dr. R.K. Sharma

Professor (Rtd.)
Public Administration,
P U Chandigarh, India.
Email: sharma.14400@gmail.com



Dr. Mohinder Singh

Former Professor & Chairman
Department of Public Administration
K. U. Kurukshetra (Haryana)
Email: msingh_kuk@yahoo.co.in



Dr. S.S. Rehal

Professor & chairman,
Department of English,
K.U. Kurukshetra (Haryana)
Email: srehal63@gmail.com



Dr. Victor Sohmen

Department of Management and Leadership
Drexel University Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Email: vsohmen@gmail.com



Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy

Associate Professor
Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management,
KSOM, KIIT, University,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Email: ipseeta@ksom.ac.in



Dr. Anisul M. Islam

Department of Economics
University of Houston-Downtown
Davies College of Business
Shea Street Building Suite B-489
One Main Street, Houston, TX 77002, USA



Dr. Shipra Gupta,

Associate Professor,
Department of Law, Panjab University,
Chandigarh, INDIA.
Email: shipragupta659@gmail.com





Dr. Suresh Dhanda

Associate professor
Head, Department of Political Science,
S. A. Jain College,
Ambala City, Haryana, India
Email: dhandasuresh@gmail.com



Dr. Dalbir Singh

Assistant Professor
Haryana School of Business,
G.J.U.S & T,
Hisar, Haryana, India
Email: dalbirhsb@gmail.com



Dr. Karun Kant Uppal

Assistant Professor
P G Deptt. Of Commerce & Management,
Kamla Lohtia S D College, Ludhiana, INDIA
Email: dr.karunkantuppal@rediffmail.com



Nadeera Jayathunga

Senior Lecturer
Department of Social Sciences,
Sabaragamuwa University,
Belihuloya, Sri Lanka
Email: nadeesara@yahoo.com

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