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  1. The authors are expected to submit one hardcopy of the paper in MS-Word/PageMaker. CD of the paper is compulsory. Chart, Graph and Diagram should be in MS-Excel.

  2. The author's have to provide one email id for communication purpose and postal address with contact number.

  3. A brief abstract, free from formulae's should be included at the beginning of the paper. Figures should be drawn in black ink so that they come good when printed by a Laser Printer.

  4. In general, there is no page limit for the paper. However, the authors are requested that manuscript should not exceed beyond 15 pages on A-4 sizes paper in double line spacing and single column with 1" margin, Title Font - Times New Roman (14 Point Size), Author's Name (11 Point Size), Designation (8 Point Size), Abstract (10 Point Size Italic) and rest matter is 11 Point Size, in accordance with the format mark of standard journals.

  5. It is a pre-condition of publication in ABJMI that the research paper should not have already been published or submitted else where for possible publication. A certificate in this regard is to be submitted by authors while submitting the paper.

  6. References should be listed in the increasing order of the publication year. All references should quote the complete title of journals and books with page numbers. The name of the country publishing the Journal should also be mentioned.

  7. The publication of the paper is the entire responsibility of the author(s) for its originality though opinion of referees/experts' is sought by the Editorial office.

  8. The Editorial Board reserves the right to condense or make necessary alterations in the typed script and may not necessary agree with the views expressed by the authors.

  9. No paper of the journal will be reprinted without the prior permission of the Chief Editor. Page Charges: After a manuscript has been accepted for publication the author (s) shall be required to pay charges for the total pages of the typed paper in order to meet partially the cost of publication Including reprints, preparation of figures, blocks, subscription cost, postage charges, etc.

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